Her Utmost - For Decades, & even Facing Dementia
Who reads the same book, cover to cover, at least a page every day, over and over for more than sixty years? - and the Bible doesn't count. My mother-in-law, Jean Stevens Stockton. Early on, when Lisa and I were dating and then engaged, I noticed something remarkable I've observed ever since for over thirty years: whenever I get up from sleep when staying with them, I wander into the front room - of several houses now - and find Jean sitting in a chair with her feet up on an ottoman, not for comfort, but to provide a human desk, across which would be splayed an open Bible, various notes on pieces of paper, and that book, My Utmost for His Highest, by Oswald Chambers. Every day for thirty plus years. And I've only witnessed less than half of her life with My Utmost.