How to Become… Spiritual on this Journey
Hi friends. I am plotting a new series – with shorter installments (I ramble and get long-winded, I know!) starting now. I am thinking of the basics of the spiritual life, how to connect with God, ways to cultivate a meaningful life of faith, and such things.
An early hint: there’s no one way to be spiritual! And yet, in the diverse family of ways to connect with God and live more fully into faith, there are some common traits, some resemblances, some bad habits that plague everybody, and some healthier habits that can help everybody flourish.
It will be a series, but then hopefully each installment can stand on its own, so you can share one or another one with others, or if you miss a couple you’re not stranded. You might want now to invite folks you know or love or care about to sign on to receive the emails I’ll send twice (or maybe thrice sometimes) a week. And also I’ll shoot out links to some simple videos I am envisioning, each one under ten minutes. Invite others to join us (see below).
The title suggests I’ll fill in those three dots with something fresh in each installment! If you have a question or two about discovering spirituality or the life of faith, or what’s hard for you, or where you’d like to grow, reply to this email! Replies are seen only by me. I’d love to hear from you.
So we’re off together! – to think together about How to be . . . on this Journey.