The Amazing New Testament: the Word

  “In the beginning was the Word… The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth” (John 1:1, 14). Through history, Christian theologians have reckoned with questions about Jesus. John chapter 1 unlocks the mystery, then opens up more mystery, more unfathomable wonder. The Word, John’s profound word for Jesus, always was God. Somehow, there is a fellowship in God, who was Love before God made anything. The intimate relationships of love that are God’s heart have always been, and will always be.

Thoughts to ponder, not to dissect or master. You scratch your head, sigh, and ponder some more, the way you absorb a symphony or gaze at an infant’s face.

Read John 1 and be astonished by the genius of its poetic phrasings, so eloquent, so beautiful, for they speak of the one true Beauty. This ballet of language tries to express the inexpressible: God’s inner self, God’s loving heart, God’s eternal fellowship, spilling over and making a world, knowing full well that world would miss the point, and would be downright obstinate. But Love loves anyhow


The Amazing Old Testament: Cool in the Furnace


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