Will Of God 3 – What is God like?

God so loved the world (John 3:16).

Before we can say anything meaningful about the Will of God, we have to ask, Who is God? and what is God like? In the intellectual climate in which we have been reared, much like the philosophical world in which Christianity was born, God is defined with lots of omni-, in-, and un- prefixed words: omniscient, omnipotent, infinite, ineffable, unchanging.

The Bible claims God is better than all that. A God who is merely omnipotent is incomplete; high-control, manipulative types cannot love – or be loved. Yes, God is all-powerful, but God’s power is consumed with love – and not some wispy, flighty kind of love, but love that is solid, strong, courageous, enduring.

The phrase “God’s will” feels like cold steel, an inflexible decree etched into time by a mighty potentate. But the will of the God of love is fraught with emotion. God is closer to me than my next breath, and God is determined to have a personal relationship with me. God loves me more than I love myself – and when you love, you will the good of the other person. You have desires for them; you desire love from that person, you long for excellence in them. God has wishes, God has a purpose, God makes choices, God is pleased (or displeased), God promises (and keeps promises), God delights, God grieves.

To know God’s will, we must know God’s heart. As shrouded in mystery, and as occasionally baffling as God can be, we can know God’s heart – and God’s heart was fully unveiled in Jesus, as we will see in our next item.


Will Of God 4 – Jesus is the answer?


Will Of God 2 – Mystery made known